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    Far East Horizon Ltd.

    Far East Horizon Ltd.
    Suite 6305, 63/F, Central Plaza
    18 Harbour Rd, Wanchai
    Hong Kong
    Tel: ‎852-2588 8688
    Fax: ‎852-2511 8660
    E-mail: IR-Horizon@sinochem.com

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    Strategy & Goals  

    year 2018

    Vision & Mission

    Corporate Objective:Strive to build an excellent enterprise

    Devoted to becoming an economic organization which continues to create values sustainably and effectively.
    To create values for all parties, including shareholders, employees, partners, creditors, government and society.

    The platform to enhance values.

    The magnet to attract resources.

    Vision and Mission:Gather Global Resources, Share China's Promotion

    We gather global resources, dedicate to the needs of our clients, and strive to meet their demand.

    Driven by constant innovation, we continue to support our clients by all means.

    We promote the development of key industries, to boost national renaissance.

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