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    BankNordik P/F

    BankNordik P/F
    Oknarvegur 5
    FO-110 Tórshavn
    Tel: ‎+298 330 330
    Fax: ‎+298 330 001
    E-mail: info@banknordik.fo

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    Latest press releases  

    (2024-06-18 18:35:58) Extraordinary general meeting of Føroya Banki 2024

    (2024-05-27 10:04:25) Extraordinary General Meeting P/F Føroya Banki 2024

    (2024-05-02 08:00:01) Satisfactory Q1 financial results

    (2024-03-21 20:01:32) Annual general meeting of Føroya Banki 2024

    (2024-03-15 15:13:55) BankNordik changing name to Føroya Banki

    (2024-03-14 09:17:48) BankNordik publishes listing prospectus

    (2024-02-28 15:37:20) Annual general meeting of BankNordik 2024

    (2024-02-27 08:00:04) Strong performance in 2023

    (2024-01-25 17:31:08) BankNordik announces its financial guidance for 2024

    (2024-01-19 16:20:10) BankNordik revises its 2023 net profit guidance upwards

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