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    CSI Properties Ltd.

    CSI Properties Ltd.
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    1999-07-28 10:02:00


    Listed Company Information
    OCEAN INFORM<0497> - Announcement
    Ocean Information Holdings Limited
    (Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)
    The directors ("Directors") of Ocean Information Holdings Limited (the 
    "Company") wish to announce that the Company and Ocean Information (BVI) 
    Limited ("Ocean BVI"), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company, have 
    provided certain financial assistance to Sunny Town Limited ("STL"), an 
    associated company of Ocean BVI, since the financial year ended 31st March 
    STL is a private company incorporated in Hong Kong in which 7 per cent. of 
    its issued share capital is beneficially held by Mr. Eddy Tsang Man Chung 
    ("Mr. Tsang"), a director of the Company and 27 per cent. of which is held 
    by Ocean BVI. Therefore, the financial assistance provided by the Company 
    and Ocean BVI constituted connected transactions for the Company. For the 
    year ended 31st March 1998 and the year ended 31st March 1999, the value 
    of all financial assistance provided has exceeded 15 per cent. of the book 
    value of the net tangible assets of the Company as at 31st March 1997 and 
    31st March 1998 respectively. No public disclosure on this matter had 
    previously been made because the Company had not aggregated the financial 
    assistance provided by the Company (i.e. the corporate guarantee) and 
    Ocean BVI (i.e. the shareholder's loan) due to inadvertent oversight by 
    the management of the Company. As such inadvertent breach of the Listing 
    Rules has occurred and the Stock Exchange has indicated it reserves the 
    right to take any further action. 
    Since the aggregate financial assistance provided by the Company and its 
    subsidiaries (together the "Group") has exceed 25 per cent. of the Group's 
    net assets, the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirement 
    under Paragraph 3.3 of Practice Note 19.
    Financial Assistance to STL
    In the financial year ended 31st March 1998, shareholders of STL had made 
    available shareholders' loans of approximately HK$122,000,000 in aggregate 
    to STL. The shareholders' loans are unsecured, non-interest bearing and 
    repayable as determined by the board of STL. In proportion to its 27 per 
    cent. shareholdings in STL, Ocean BVI had advanced approximately 
    HK$33,000,000 of such shareholders' loans. The Company also provided a 
    several corporate guarantee for a banking facility in favour of STL of up 
    to HK$155,000,000 in proportion to Ocean BVI's interest in STL (i.e. to 
    the extent of HK$41.8 million) on 15th October 1997. The source of funding 
    for such financial assistance by the Company is and will be by way of the 
    Company's internal resources.
    The summary below set out the value of all the actual financial assistance 
    given by the Company and Ocean BVI to STL in the financial year ended 31st 
    March 1998:
         Shareholder's loans from Ocean BVI      :       HK$     33.4 million
         Guarantee by the Company on 
         the banking facility granted to STL     :       HK$     41.8 million
         Total                                   :       HK$     75.2 million
    Note: The aggregate drawdown of the banking facility by STL in this period 
    was approximately HK$75 million.
    Particulars of STL
    STL is a private company incorporated in Hong Kong in which 27 per cent. 
    of its issued share capital is held by Ocean BVI, 7 per cent. by Mr. Tsang 
    and the remaining 66 per cent. by third parties independent of and not 
    connected with the Company or any of the directors, chief executives and 
    substantial shareholder of the Company or its subsidiaries, or associates 
    of any of them. The principal activities of STL are property 
    re-development in Hong Kong.
    Connected Transaction
    The principal activities of the Company and its subsidiaries are 
    investment holding and the manufacturing and sales of computers and 
    related products. According to the Company's annual reports for the year 
    ended 31st March 1998 and 31st March 1999, the total shareholders' funds 
    as at 31st March 1997, 31st March 1998 and 31st March 1999 are 
    HK$303,822,000, HK$329,050,000 and HK$342,890,000 respectively. The 
    financial assistance provided by the Company and Ocean BVI to STL by 
    virtue of corporate guarantee and shareholders' loans was in proportion to 
    the Company's equity interest in STL and the guarantee provided by the 
    Company was a several guarantee and any further financial assistance to be 
    provided by the Company and Ocean BVI to STL will also be made on the same 
    basis. The aggregate drawdown of the banking facility to STL in the 
    financial year ended 31st March 1998 was approximately HK$75,000,000. The 
    total value of financial assistance provided by the Company to STL in the 
    financial year ended 31st March 1998 therefore amounts to approximately 
    HK$75,200,000 representing approximately 24.8 per cent. of the book value 
    of the net tangible assets of the Company as at 31st March 1997. Pursuant 
    to Rule 14.25(2)(b) of the Listing Rules, the Company is required to 
    disclose by way of a press announcement containing the brief details of 
    the transactions.
    Ocean BVI has further injected an aggregate amount of about HK$8,026,000 
    for the year ended 31st March 1999 and the total financial assistance for 
    the year ended 31st March 1999 was approximately HK$83.2 million 
    comprising shareholder's loans from Ocean BVI of approximately HK$41.4 
    million and guarantee by the Company of about HK$41.8 million. The total 
    financial assistance for the year ended 31st March 1999 therefore 
    represents approximately 24.3 per cent. of the Company's net tangible 
    assets value as at 31st March 1999.
    Ocean BVI has injected an aggregate amount of about HK$937,000 for the 
    period from 1st April 1999 up to the date of this announcement. The total 
    amount of financial assistance up to the date of this announcement 
    amounted to approximately HK$84,163,000 comprising corporate guarantee of 
    about HK$41.8 million and shareholder's loan of about HK$42.4 million, 
    representing approximately 24.6 per cent. of the book value of the 
    Company's net tangible assets value as at 31st March 1999.
    No public disclosure on this matter had previously been made pursuant to 
    Rule 14.25(2)(b) of the Listing Rules because the Company had not 
    aggregated the value of the financial assistance provided by the Company 
    (i.e. the corporate guarantee) and Ocean BVI (i.e. the shareholder's loan) 
    due to inadvertent oversight by the management of the Company. As such, 
    inadvertent breach of the Listing Rules have occurred and the Stock 
    Exchange has indicated it reserves the right to take any further action.
    Practice Note 19
    The aggregate financial assistance provided and estimated to be provided 
    by the Group to affiliated companies as at 30th June 1999 amounted to 
    approximately HK$183 million representing approximately 53.5 per cent. of 
    the Group's net assets as at 31st March 1999 according to the Group's 
    latest audited consolidated accounts.
    The following are brief details of the financial assistance provided by 
    the Group to affiliated companies as at 30th June 1999 for the purpose of 
    Paragraph 3.3 of Practice Note 19:
                            Loan advanced         Corporate  Committed      
    Company Name            as at 30th June 1999  guarantee  capital injection
                            HK$'000               HK$'000
    Billion City 
     Development Limited     8,725                 -          -
    Billion Management 
     Limited                   247                 -          -
    Bullinga Company 
     Limited                26,499                 -          -
    Cason Development 
     Limited                16,606                 -          -
    Cheerwin Development
     Limited                 3,008                 -          -
    Silver Harbour Limited      35                 -          -
    Sino Spring Limited     24,195                 -          -
    STL (Note)              42,363                 41,800     20,000
                           121,678                 41,800     20,000
    Note:   The beneficial shareholders of STL have also provided pro rata 
    funding undertaking to STL pursuant to which each of them severally 
    covenants to fund the redevelopment of the property held by STL, including 
    payment of the land premium for modification of the land grant conditions 
    in proportion to their respective shareholding in STL. The total cost of 
    the redevelopment of the property held by STL is currently estimated to be 
    approximately HK$380 million. An amount of approximately HK$157 million 
    has already been contributed by the beneficial shareholders of STL. Taking 
    into account the HK$155 million banking facility in favour of STL, the 
    beneficial shareholders will need to contribute approximately a further 
    HK$68 million to STL for completion of the redevelopment and the Company's 
    pro rata portion thereon will be approximately HK$20 million. As at 31st 
    March 1999, the Group's contribution pursuant to the funding undertaking 
    is as disclosed above. The Directors estimate that up to completion of the 
    redevelopment of the property held by STL, the Group will be required to 
    contribute a further HK$20 million.
    All the above advances are interest free, unsecured, having no maturity 
    date for repayment and to be repaid on demand. The source of funding for 
    such advances and for the committed capital injection is by way of the 
    Group's internal finance.
    In order to comply with Paragraph 3.10 of Practice Note 19, if the 
    financial assistance to the affiliated companies of the Company as shown 
    above in aggregate continue to exceed 25 per cent. of the Group's net 
    assets at the Group's interim period end or annual financial year end, the 
    Company will include a proforma combined balance sheet of the affiliated 
    companies in its interim or annual report.
    By Order of the Board
    Li Kwok King, Francis
    Company Secretary
    27th July 1999
    Hong Kong SAR


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