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    New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

    New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    NCI Tower, Jianguomenwai Avenue, A12
    Chaoyang District
    100022 Beijing
    Tel: ‎86-10-85213233
    Fax: ‎86-10-85213219
    E-mail: ir@newchinalife.com

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    Shares held by top ten shareholders

    As of the end of the reporting period, none of the Company’s A shares and H shares was subject to selling restrictions.
    HKSCC Nominees Limited is a company that holds shares on behalf of the clients of Hong Kong stock brokers and other participants of CCASS system. The relevant regulations of the HKSE do not require such persons to declare whether their shareholdings are pledged or frozen. Therefore, HKSCC Nominees Limited is unable to calculate or provide the number of shares pledged or frozen.
    China Baowu completed the issuance of exchangeable bonds (“14 Baosteel EB”) on 12 December 2014. A total number of 165,000,000 A shares of the Company held by China Baowu that are exchangeable from the bonds and the entitlements of such shares have been transferred into a special trust account as guaranteed and trusted assets. The shares are held by China International Capital Corporation Limited nominally and registered on the list of shareholders with “Baosteel Group-CICC- 14 Baosteel EB Guaranteed and Trusted Assets Special Account” as the shareholder. For details, please refer to the announcement titled Announcement in Relation to the Completion of the Issuance of Exchangeable Bonds by A Substantial Shareholder of the Company and the Guarantee and Trust Registration for the Company’s A Shares Held by The Shareholder published by the Company on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 16 December 2014. 14 Baosteel EB has completed the redemption on maturity on 11 December 2017. Among the A shares as guaranteed and trusted assets for 14 Baosteel EB, 94,049,605 shares have been exchanged to A shares of the Company by the bond holders. As of the end of the reporting period, the procedure to remove the pledge of remaining 70,950,395 shares has been completed.

    As at 28 February 2019, there were 61,919 shareholders of the Company, including 61,636 A share shareholders and 283 H share shareholders.

      2017 » (ENGLISH)
      2012 » (ENGLISH)

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