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    New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

    New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    NCI Tower, Jianguomenwai Avenue, A12
    Chaoyang District
    100022 Beijing
    Tel: ‎86-10-85213233
    Fax: ‎86-10-85213219
    E-mail: ir@newchinalife.com

    Deze pagina is beschikbaar in de volgende talen:
    汉语 | English

    NCI was established in 1996, and after 15 years of rapid growth, it has developed into a large life insurance company in the PRC. NCI has a sound shareholding structure. The Company’s three largest shareholders – Central Huijin, Baosteel Group and Zurich – have provided valuable experience and support to the Company.

    NCI has become one of the most well-known brand names in China’s life insurance market. The Company’s objective is to capture significant opportunities arising from the rapid development of the PRC life insurance industry and to become the best life insurance focused financial services group in the PRC, providing a comprehensive range of life insurance services to its customers.

    NCI’s strategies have been formulated based on its customer-centric principle and goal to capture the demographic trends driven by China’s urbanization and aging population. NCI’s strategies seek to maintain the sustained and stable growth of its existing business, continue the process of reengineering and enhancing its capabilities, enhance innovation, insist on value, and return to the essentials of life insurance.

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    Openen 30,90
    Hoogst/Laagst 31,01 / 29,91
    Aantal 11 367 443
    Vorige Sluiten 31,09
    52 Weekscores hoogste 49,11
    52 Weekscores laagste 27,35
    52 Weekpercentage   -23,75 
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