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    China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

    China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    12F China Life Plaza A
    No.16 Financial Street, Xicheng District
    China 100033
    Puh: ‎86-10-63633333
    Faksi: ‎86-10-66575722
    Sähköposti: ir@e-chinalife.com

    Tämä sivu on saatavilla seuraavilla kielillä:
    汉语 | English

    China Life Insurance Company Ltd. (“China Life” or “the Company”) is the largest life insurance company in China, with headquarters located in Beijing. China Life is a core member of China Life Insurance (Group) Company which is one of the Fortune Global 500 companies and one of the World’s Top 500 Brands. China Life is a well trusted insurer with its long history, solid financial strength, strong competitive edge and well-known brand name. The company dominants China’s life insurance market since its establishment. The precursor of the Company was China Life Insurance Company which established in 1949, which was the only insurance company approved by the Chinese central government. In 2003, China Life Insurance Company was successfully restructured into China Life Insurance (Group) Company, and in the same year, China Life Insurance (Group) Company initiated the establishment of China Life Insurance Company Ltd exclusively. China Life was successfully listed on New York Stock Exchange and Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 17 and 18, 2003 respectively. The IPO became the world’s largest IPO of that year. On January 9, 2007, China Life was successfully listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange and became the first Chinese insurance company triple-listed on three markets. The Company’s registered capital is RMB 28,264,705,000.

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    Valitse osakelaji
    China Life Insurance H (HKEX) (HKSE)‎  
    Viimeisin 10,84      Muutos % -1,63 
    Lisää osakesalkkuun
    Lisää seurantalistaan
    Lisää hälytyksiin

    Aika Viimeisin Määrä
    10:08:08 10,84 14 000
    10:08:08 10,84 5 000
    10:08:08 10,84 2 000
    10:08:08 10,84 13 000
    10:08:08 10,84 7 000
    10:08:08 10,84 91 000
    10:08:08 10,84 1 000
    10:08:08 10,84 3 000
    10:08:08 10,84 2 000
    10:08:08 10,84 7 000
    Tässä näkyvä aika perustuu Euroland.com-sivustolla valitsemaasi aikavyöhykkeeseen
    Aika 10:08:08
    Viimeisin 10,84
    Muutos-% -1,63 
    Muutos -0,18 
    Osto/Myynti 10,82 / 10,84
    Avaus 10,88
    Ylin/Alin 10,96 / 10,74
    Määrä 27 492 570
    Edellinen päätös 11,02
    52 viikon ylin 14,18
    52 viikon alin 8,19
    52 viikon %   -9,19 
    Vuod. alusta %   7,50 
    Volatiliteetti 35,74
    Beta N/A
    Korrelaatio N/A
    Tunnus 2628
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    Euroland-toimiala  Yleisvakuutukset & muut
    Osakkeet (miljoonia)1 7 441,18
    Markkina-arvo (miljoonia) 82 001,75
    1 - Osakkeiden määrä tietyssä osakeluokassa. Muussa tapauksessa se on osakeannin kokonaismäärä.

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