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    Haitong Securities Co., Ltd.

    Haitong Securities Co., Ltd.
    No. 689, Guangdong Road
    200001 Shanghai
    Tel: ‎63411000
    E-mail: haitong@htsec.com

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    Founded in 1988, Haitong Securities Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has been persevering with the business philosophy of “pragmatism, development, prudence and excellence” and the risk control brand of “being prudent and even conservative”, and has made progresses stably during the past more than 30 years. The Company had total assets of RMB729.6bn and net assets attributable to the parent company of RMB154.4bn at the end of Sep 2020, both ranking the second in the securities industry. The Company has an excellent comprehensive business platform, a mature overseas business platform, a number of business outlets across 14 countries and regions on 5 continents covering the six international financial centers, namely New York, London, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, 344 securities and futures business outlets in China, more than 10,000 employees, nearly 17mn clients within and outside China and over RMB5.04tn of assets under its custody or management. In Jan-Sep 2020, it generated revenue of RMB28.25bn, ranking the second in the securities industry, and made net profits attributable to the parent company of RMB8.5bn, ranking the fourth in the securities industry. It maintained the highest rating of A-AA from the CSRC.

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    Haitong Securities A (SSE)‎  
    Laatste 8,57      Wijziging % 2,39 
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    Tijd Laatste Aantal
    09:00:01 8,57 100
    09:00:01 8,57 7 886
    09:00:01 8,57 17 300
    09:00:01 8,57 5 500
    09:00:01 8,57 2 420
    09:00:01 8,57 1 300
    09:00:01 8,57 3 400
    09:00:01 8,57 1 600
    09:00:01 8,57 7 600
    09:00:01 8,57 200
    De weergegeven tijd is gebaseerd op de tijdzone die u op Euroland.com hebt ingesteld
    Tijd 09:00:01
    Laatste 8,57
    Wijziging % 2,39 
    Wijziging 0,20 
    Bieden/Vragen 8,57 / 8,58
    Openen 8,35
    Hoogst/Laagst 8,66 / 8,34
    Aantal 48 052 639
    Vorige Sluiten 8,37
    52 Weekscores hoogste 11,28
    52 Weekscores laagste 7,63
    52 Weekpercentage   -10,35 
    YTD %   -8,44 
    Volatiliteit 25,48
    Beta N.V.T.
    Correlatie N.V.T.
    Symbool 600837
    Martk  Shanghai
    Lijst  -
    Binnenlandse markt  Financie- en verzekeringen
    Euroland-Branche  Investeringsbanken en makelaardij
    Aandelen (milj.)1 9 654,63
    MarktKap (milj.) 80 809,26
    1 - Aantal aandelen in specifieke aandelenklasse. Zoniet het totale aantal uitgegeven aandelen.

     SSE Composite
     SSE A-Share Index

    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Gegevens verschaft door vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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