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    SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd.

    SINOPEC Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd.
    Tower B, No.19, Anhui Beili, Chaoyang District
    Beijing, PRC 100101
    Tlf: ‎(8610) 6499-8000
    E-mail: seg.ir@sinopec.com

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    汉语 | English

    Sinopec Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. (SEG for short) is a Sinopec-held large-scale complex project service and technical patent provider oriented to domestic and foreign refinery chemical engineering market, and is one of the largest construction enterprises at home. At home the Group has eleven wholly owned subsidiaries: Sinopec Engineering Incorporation Ltd., Sinopec Luoyang Engineering Co., Ltd., Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co., Ltd., Sinopec Ningbo Engineering Co., Ltd., Sinopec Nanjing Engineering Co., Ltd., Sinopec Guangzhou Engineering Co., Ltd., Sinopec Fourth Construction Co., Ltd., Sinopec Fifth Construction Co., Ltd., Sinopec Tenth Construction Co., Ltd., and Sinopec Ningbo Research Institute Co., Ltd., Sinopec Heavy Lifting Transporting Engineering Co., Ltd..

    In May, 2013 the company made the first global public offer of 1.328 billion H shares, the price being 10.5 Hongkong dollars per share, and on 23rd May 2013 it was listed for transaction in HKSE and successfully entered international capital market.

    The company holds certificates granted by such international and domestic government bodies and authorities as National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Ministry of Commerce, State Administration of Work Safety, State Environmental Protection Administration, Loyd’s Register of Shipping, and International Federation of Consulting Engineers, and has developed an all-dimensional, multi-level and wide-scope talent framework. Relying upon good-quality talents, rich engineering and constructing experience and deep technical capabilities, it is able to provide fine and full service for domestic and overseas clients in petrol refining and chemical engineering, coal chemical engineering, natural gas chemical engineering, environmental project and public utilities and other areas.

    The company entered international market in 1990 and has established business platforms in all regions with large oil refinery and chemical engineering capital output including Middle East, Central Asia, Asia-pacific, Africa and South America. It has undertaken many oil refinery and chemical engineering projects in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Katar, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Singapore, Bangladesh, etc. and acquired fixed client group and fine international acclaim. It has implemented a total of over 100 projects in international project market from 2005 to the present.

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    SINOPEC Engineering (OTC)‎  
    Sidste 0,47      Ændre % 0,00 
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    Tid Sidste Mængde
    Den viste tid er baseret på den valgte tidszone på Euroland.com
    Tid 2024-01-24
    Sidste 0,47
    Ændre % 0,00 
    Ændre 0,00 
    Bud/Udbud I/R / I/R
    Åben 0,47
    Høj/Lav 0,47 / 0,47
    Mængde 0
    Tidligere lukket 0,47
    52 ugers høj 0,53
    52 ugers lav 0,46
    52 uger %   -3,16 
    ÅTD %   2,48 
    Volatilitet I/R
    Beta I/R
    Korrelation I/R
    Symbol SENGF
    Marked  USOTC
    Liste  Grey Market
    Tilhørende industri  Oil & Gas Field Exploration Services
    Euroland-industri  Olie- og gasserviceydelser
    Aktier (mio.)1 1 437,95
    Markedsværdi (mio.) 676,41
    1 - Antallet af aktier i en specifik gruppe af aktier. Ellers det totale antal af aktier der er tegnet.


    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Data fra vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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