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    People´s Insurance Company Group of China Ltd.

    People´s Insurance Company Group of China Ltd.
    China People's Insurance Building
    88 West Chang'an Street,
    100031 Xicheng District, Beijing
    Tel: ‎ +86 -10-69008888

    Ta strona jest dostępna w następujących językach:
    汉语 | English

    Founded in October 1949, The People’s Insurance Company (Group) of China Limited (the “Company”) is the first nation-wide insurance company in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) and has developed into a leading large-scale integrated insurance financial group in the PRC, ranking the 114th in the List of Fortune Global 500 (2017) published by the Fortune magazine.

    The Company operates its property and casualty (“P&C”) insurance business in the PRC through PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited (“PICC P&C”, listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Stock Exchange”), stock code: 02328) and in Hong Kong through The People’s Insurance Company of China (Hong Kong), Limited (“PICC Hong Kong”), in which the Company holds approximately 68.98% and 75.0% equity interests, respectively. The Company operates its life and health insurance businesses through PICC Life Insurance Company Limited (“PICC Life”) and PICC Health Insurance Company Limited (“PICC Health”), in which the Company, directly and indirectly, holds 80.0% and approximately 95.45% equity interests, respectively. The Company centrally and professionally manages most of its insurance assets through PICC Asset Management Company Limited (“PICC AMC”), in which the Company holds 100% of equity interest, and holds a 100% equity interest in PICC Investment Holding Co., Ltd (“PICC Investment Holding”) which is a professional investment company specializing in real estate investments. The Company carries out non-transactional businesses such as equity and debt investments in insurance and non-insurance capital within and outside the Group through PICC Capital Investment Management Company Limited (“PICC Capital”) in which it holds a 100% equity interest. The Company takes PICC Financial Services Company (“PICC Financial Services”) as a professional platform for the layout of Internet finance in which the Company holds 100% of equity interest. The Company operates reinsurance business within and outside the Group through PICC Reinsurance Limited (“PICC Reinsurance “) in which the Company, directly and indirectly, holds 100% of equity interest. The Company engages in corporate annuities and occupational annuities businesses through PICC Pension Company Limited (“PICC Pension”) in which the Company holds 100% of equity interest and has also made strategic investments in non-insurance financial businesses such as banking and trust.

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    People´s Insurance A (SSE)‎  
    Ostatni 5,34      Zmiana % -0,56 
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    Czas Ostatni Wolumen
    09:00:00 5,34 500
    09:00:00 5,34 4 080
    09:00:00 5,34 380
    09:00:00 5,34 4 200
    09:00:00 5,34 200
    09:00:00 5,34 100
    09:00:00 5,34 10 000
    09:00:00 5,34 7 100
    09:00:00 5,34 500
    09:00:00 5,34 3 200
    Odzwierciedlany czas zależy od strefy czasowej, wybranej na Euroland.com
    Czas 09:00:00
    Ostatni 5,34
    Zmiana % -0,56 
    Zmiana -0,03 
    Oferta/Zapytanie 5,34 / 5,35
    Otwórz 5,36
    Wysoki/Niski 5,38 / 5,31
    Wolumen 43 547 034
    Ostatnia cena zamknięcia 5,37
    Najwyższa cena w ciągu 52 tygodni 6,64
    Najniższa cena w ciągu 52 tygodni 4,52
    52 tygodnie zmiana %   -11,43 
    od początku roku %   10,53 
    Zmienność kursów akcji 19,03
    Korelacja NIEDOSTĘPNY
    Symbol 601319
    Rynek  Shanghai
    Lista  -
    Przemysł krajowy  Finanse i ubezpieczenia
    Euroland-Przemysł  Ubezpieczenia ogólne i inne
    Akcje (milionów)1 35 497,76
    Kapital. Rynkowa (milionów) 190 622,95
    1 - Liczba udziałów w określonej kategorii akcji; jeżeli nie wyszczególniono, liczba całkowita wyemitowanych udziałów.

     SSE Composite
     SSE A-Share Index

    Data delayed at least 15 minutes. From Hanoi & HoChiMinh data is real time. From Milan, Dublin & Tokyo data is as end of day.
    Data provided by vwd group Switzerland AG & MOEX.

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