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    Two awards for STRABAG’s apprentice training programme

    03.11.2014 | STRABAG AG
    Presentation of the State Coat of Arms by State Secretary Harald Mahrer to Thomas Huber, Wolfgang Simoner and Franz Urban (from left to right), STRABAG AG
    (© Carina Karlovits)
    • STRABAG AG Austria receives State Award
    • Federal State of Tyrol awards STRABAG title of “Certified Tyrolean Apprentice Provider”
    Vienna, 3 November 2014___TEAMS WORK. Proving this true once again are two awards presented to STRABAG in Austria for its commitment to apprentice training. On 30 October 2014, Franz Urban, in his previous function as member of the management board of STRABAG AG, together with Thomas Huber and Wolfgang Simoner, apprentice coordinators at STRABAG AG, were presented the Austrian State Coat of Arms in the Ministry of Economy as a “Certified Training Provider”.

    “This award is the crowning achievement of our intense apprentice training activities and a sign of recognition of the many years of hard work and effort that we have put into the Austrian economy and into professional training. As a company, our thanks go to our many trainer employees who, with lots of dedication, passed on their knowledge and know-how to our apprentices in order to successfully train qualified staff for the future. For young people interested in working with us, the award serves as a seal of quality and as an assurance that training is important for us at our company,” says a delighted Thomas Huber. The designation as certified training provider is preceded by a thorough examination of the internal structures in order to investigate the test results, training times and opportunities for training and development.

    Meanwhile, the Federal State of Tyrol has confirmed the title of “Certified Tyrolean Apprentice Provider” for STRABAG AG. “This award is presented to businesses that maintain the highest standards in apprentice training. We are proud to be one of these 30 companies,” explains Manfred Lechner, technical sub-division manager for STRABAG AG in Tyrol and Vorarlberg. The official presentation of the title will take place on 24 November 2014 in Innsbruck.

    STRABAG currently has 370 apprentices in training in Austria. Apprenticeship positions are offered at numerous locations throughout the country. In addition to providing training directly in the place of work, at vocational schools and at construction academies, STRABAG also offers technical seminars and personality development courses to further consolidate specialist knowledge and skills and to strengthen team thinking. “For ambitious young qualified persons, a completed apprenticeship in construction opens many opportunities at STRABAG,” explains Wolfgang Simoner, apprentice coordinator at STRABAG AG.

    STRABAG SE is a European-based technology group for construction services, a leader in innovation and financial strength. Our services span all areas of the construction industry and cover the entire construction value chain. We create added value for our clients by our specialised entities integrating the most diverse services and assuming responsibility for them. We bring together people, materials and machinery at the right place and at the right time in order to realise even the most complex construction projects – on schedule, of the highest quality and at the best price. The hard work and dedication of our more than 73,000 employees allows us to generate an annual output volume of about € 14 billion. At the same time, a dense network of numerous subsidiaries in many European countries and, increasingly, on other continents is helping to expand our area of operation far beyond the borders of Austria and Germany. More information is available at www.strabag.com.

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