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    Consortium including Polish STRABAG subsidiary building section of S5 expressway in Poland

    • Contract value: PLN 576 million (~ € 138 million)
    • Construction time: 30 months
    Warsaw/Vienna, 5 August 2014----A consortium consisting of Heilit+Woerner Sp. z o. o., a subsidiary of Austrian listed company STRABAG SE, and Budimex S.A. on 31 July 2014 signed the contract to build a section of the S5 expressway between Poznań and Wrocław with a gross value of about € 138 million. Heilit+Woerner holds 50 % in the consortium. The share in the gross value therefore amounts to about € 69 million. Works are to begin in approx. 4 weeks and is expected to last 30 months (winter breaks not included). Completion and commissioning of the new section are scheduled for 2017.

    The entire new section of the S5 north of Wrocław from Korzeńsko to Widawa measures approx. 48 km in length. The contract foresees the planning and construction of the first approx. 15 km long section from Korzeńsko and includes the construction of two interchanges – Żmigródek and Żmigród – as well as access roads. The roadway consists of two lanes of traffic in each direction, with the width of the median strip designed to allow the future expansion of the traffic volume through the addition of a third lane.

    Under the project, the consortium will build 14 bridge structures, technical infrastructure facilities such as rain channels, gas lines and illumination, as well as road passages and two rest stations. At the same time, it will also be necessary to upgrade the existing drainage network and ditches. The greenery will be partially removed, adapted or protected and re-planned at the end of the construction phase.

    Following its completion the S5 will reduce the travel time from Poznań to Wrocław by 30 minutes.

    STRABAG SE is a European-based technology group for construction services, a leader in innovation and financial strength. Our services span all areas of the construction industry and cover the entire construction value chain. We create added value for our clients by our specialised entities integrating the most diverse services and assuming responsibility for them. We bring together people, materials and machinery at the right place and at the right time in order to realise even the most complex construction projects – on schedule, of the highest quality and at the best price. The hard work and dedication of our more than 73,000 employees allows us to generate an annual output volume of about € 14 billion. At the same time, a dense network of numerous subsidiaries in many European countries and, increasingly, on other continents is helping to expand our area of operation far beyond the borders of Austria and Germany. More information is available at www.strabag.com.

    STRABAG Group is active in Poland since 1985. With its 5,300 employees it generated an output volume of around € 800 million in 2013. More information is available at

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