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    Züblin Scandinavia AB in joint venture is awarded a new contract for immersed tunnel: Marieholmstunnel in Gothenburg

    • Contract value of about € 170 million, including mechanical and electrical works and an option to operate and maintain the tunnel for five years
    • Construction time 2014–2020
    Gothenburg, 5 June 2014---Züblin Scandinavia AB, a Swedish subsidiary of the publicly listed construction group STRABAG SE, has been awarded as leader and main shareholder in joint venture to build the Marieholmstunnel project, an immersed tunnel passing under the river Göta älv in the city of Gothenburg. The design & build agreement, which also comprises the mechanical and electrical works and which has a total contract value of about € 170 million, was signed on 4 June 2014. Owner of the project is the Swedish road and railway authority Trafikverket, to which the tunnel is to be handed over in October 2020.

    Marieholmstunnel is a road tunnel consisting of three lanes in either direction with a service tunnel in the centre and a designed lifetime of 120 years. Züblin will construct three tunnel elements of 100 m in length each on site in a drydock and immerse them at their final location in a trench dredged into the river bed. On either side of the immersed tunnel section, cut & cover tunnels will be built in deep excavation pits continuing in ramp and trough sections. Special consideration will be given to the environment, e. g. the flora and fauna of the river Göta älv, during all phases of construction. The installation of all mechanical and electrical systems also forms part of the contract, which includes an option to operate and maintain the tunnel for five years after completion.

    The project will start just after the handover of Trafikverket’s Söderströmstunnel in Stockholm, a project of similar size and complexity executed by Züblin also as an immersed tunnel.

    STRABAG SE is a European-based technology group for construction services, a leader in innovation and financial strength. Our services span all areas of the construction industry and cover the entire construction value chain. We create added value for our clients by our specialised entities integrating the most diverse services and assuming responsibility for them. We bring together people, materials and machines at the right place and at the right time in order to realise even the most complex construction projects – on schedule, of the highest quality and at the best price. The hard work and dedication of our more than 73,000 employees allows us to generate an annual output volume of about € 14 billion. At the same time, a dense network of numerous subsidiaries in many European countries and, increasingly, on other continents is helping to expand our area of operation far beyond the borders of Austria and Germany. More information is available at www.strabag.com.

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