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    STRABAG building Zielone Arkady shopping centre in Bydgoszcz

    • Largest shopping centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland
    • Construction volume in the mid-double-digit million euro range
    • First construction project in Bydgoszcz in BREEAM certification process
    • To be built under STRABAG “teamconcept”
    • Construction time of 19 months
    Warsaw, 17 March 2014----STRABAG Sp. z o.o., the Polish subsidiary of the STRABAG construction group, has been awarded the contract to build the Zielone Arkady (“Green Arcades”) shopping centre with a scheduled date of completion at the end of October 2015. With 50,000 m2 of rental space, it will be the largest shopping centre in Bydgoszcz. The construction volume is valued in the mid-double-digit million euro range. The development is being built in accordance with the BREEAM principles of sustainable construction. STRABAG will execute the project together with the client, ECE Projektmanagement Polska Sp. z o.o., under its “teamconcept” partnership arrangement.

    The project involves the construction of two buildings on an 11.5 ha plot of land along Wojska Polskiego Avenue in Bydgoszcz. The main object will comprise a modern shopping centre with three floors for retail and services as well as one floor for offices in the western part of the building. A six-storey parking structure will be built on the north side with space for 1,200 vehicles and two entry areas. One of the most interesting elements of the project will be the complex and precise construction of the so-called “Crystal”, a large steel and reinforced concrete structure above the main entrance.

    Zielone Arkady will be the first building in Bydgoszcz with BREEAM certification. BREEAM certification has been a standard for sustainable building around the world for 25 years. The certification process involves an assessment of the construction and operation of a building. It is the general contractor’s task to adapt the execution planning for Zielone Arkady to the requirements of the BREEAM system. Water, electricity and material use, among other things, will be closely monitored during construction.

    STRABAG is developing the project under its “teamconcept” model. The “teamconcept” is based on the responsible and partnership-based cooperation of the general contractor and the client in every phase of the project in order to minimise costs and accelerate the processes. The construction of Zielone Arkady will begin in April 2014 and is scheduled for completion in October 2015.

    “The partnership-based cooperation simply pays off,” says Rainer Steindl, commercial sub-division manager at STRABAG Sp. z o.o. “An excellent example for a project that was executed under the teamconcept in Poland is the Galeria Kaskada in Szczecin, construction of which was completed in 2011.”

    Zielone Arkady is a further STRABAG project being developed under the sustainability concept in Poland. Before the end of March this year, the BREEAM-certified, regional shopping centre Atrium Felicity will open in Lublin and STRABAG’s Polish headquarters in Pruszków received LEED Gold Certification, one of the LEED organisation’s highest. The two certification systems, BREEAM of the UK and LEED of the US, are considered as the best-known international systems to assess the sustainability of construction works.

    · 570,000 m³ cubage
    · 11.5 ha total land/lot size
    · 115,000 m² total space
    · 103,000 m² usable space
    · 450 m² office space
    · 1,200 parking spaces
    · 600 employees on the construction site

    The corporate group of STRABAG SE is one of the leading European construction groups. Specialised group companies, operating under a number of different brands such as STRABAG and Züblin, provide their services in all fields of the construction industry covering the entire construction value chain. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of its approximately 74,000 employees, STRABAG SE generates an output volume of about € 14 billion. At the same time, a dense network of numerous subsidiaries in Eastern and South-East Europe, in selected markets of Western Europe and, increasingly, on other continents is helping to expand the area of operation of STRABAG SE far beyond the borders of Austria and Germany. The group’s proprietary raw materials basis and steady knowledge transfer ensure the highest quality construction at the best price – all around the world. More information is available at www.strabag.com.

    The STRABAG Group has been operating in Poland since 1985. In 2013, the 6,700 employees in the country generated an output volume of nearly € 800 million. More information is available at www.strabag.pl.

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