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    Toyota Tsusho Corporation

    Toyota Tsusho Corporation
    9-8, Meieki 4-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-8575
    Tel: ‎+81-52-584-5000
    E-mail: ttc_hp@pp.toyota-tsusho.com

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    Strategy & Goals  

    year 2016/2017

    We in the Toyota Tsusho Group deliver to nations around the world a diverse range of products and services essential for building prosperous and comfortable societies. We are guided by a four-tier philosophy that enables us to successfully meet the challenges of each new age.

    Solid Philosophy


    The Toyota Tsusho Global Vision was announced in May 2016 to serve as a milestone in guiding our corporate group’s business over the next 10 years.

    Ideal image

    Toyotsu Core Values

    The Toyotsu Core Values are the corporate strengths we will use over the next 10 years to put the Toyotsu Group Way into practice and ensure the achievement of our Global Vision.

    Toyotsu Core Values to Achieve Growth

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