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    Toyota Tsusho Corporation

    Toyota Tsusho Corporation
    9-8, Meieki 4-chome, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-8575
    Tel: ‎+81-52-584-5000
    E-mail: ttc_hp@pp.toyota-tsusho.com

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    Business Segments  

    year 2016/2017

    Untitled Document

    Toyota Tsusho Corporate is developing the business in the seven divisions and the administrative supporting division.


    Rather than viewing steel and nonferrous metals simply as commodities, the Metals division sees them as products with unique properties and functions. This approach allows us to provide optimal products and logistics matching the needs of both suppliers and users. The division is comprised of multiple strategic business units (SBUs), all of which manage both steel and non-ferrous products. This ensures that each SBU can responds to customer needs with proposals covering multiple types of materials.

    The automotive metal products SBU handles metals used in every aspect of automobile production. The SBU has processing bases in Japan and overseas are able to deliver products flexibly in response to demand. We achieved this through an IT-enabled ordering system and an efficient logistics system. In addition, our metal blanking business caters to user needs in nations worldwide.

    The metal products SBU covers all metal products needs outside the automotive industry. The SBU leverages a broad global network of sites to serve the needs of customers in Japan and overseas with efficient processing and logistics functions. Processing centers located throughout the world produce high value-added products, mainly electrical steel sheets.

    The metal resource SBU develops, procures, and recycles metal resources to satisfy society's growing need for effective usage and proper resources processing. The SBU is expanding its presence in the recycling, resources development, and waste processing areas. Its core business areas include molten aluminum production, collecting and recycling scrap metals from factories, and recycling of dismantled buildings and end-of-life vehicles, all of which are conducted on a global level. Additionally, the SBU is actively engaged in the development of rare earths resources and rare metals.

    Global Parts & Logistics

    The Global Parts & Logistics Division's network spans 38 nations, with 177 sites operated by 79 overseas subsidiaries and business entities. It has approximately 14,000 members worldwide.

    The division has established a global automotive parts supply chain by setting up an optimally integrated logistics system using these sites and networks.

    Other operations include tire and wheel assembly and other assembly operations, as well as an interior and exterior parts and accessories business covering all aspects of operations, from planning and development through raw materials procurement and processing.

    The division successfully serves the diverse needs of its customers by combining its global logistics network, supply-and-demand management functions, and unique manufacturing functions into a multifunctional service.


    The Automotive division exports passenger cars, trucks, buses, industrial vehicles, motorcycles, and spare parts that the Toyota Group and other companies manufacture in Japan and overseas to users all over the world. The division's global network covers 166 nations and regions (48 nations with business operations) and encompasses distributor, dealer, and other businesses.

    The division is actively developing automotive import and sales operations centered on new emerging nations and other regions where a full-fledged motorization trend can be expected in the future. This entails branching out from export-centric businesses to create more locally rooted operations, while simultaneously expanding into value chains related to automotive import and sales operations.

    Through its business activities, the division contributes to social development, the creation of employment opportunities, and the cultivation of capable human resources in nations and regions of operation. As one of the unique capabilities of an investment and project management company, we also monitor market information, such as local political and economic circumstances, market trends, and user preferences, in a timely manner. This information is then applied to marketing strategies and communicated to manufacturers for incorporation into product development and production plans.

    Newly emerging nations are core markets for the Automotive Division. While developing the automotive business, the division also explores new business opportunities in non-automotive fields to act as the vanguard in expanding the business domain.

    Machinery, Energy & Project

    The Machinery, Energy & Project Division has three core businesses: machinery and equipment (primarily in the automotive industry); energy (electricity, natural gas, oil, and coal projects); and plant and construction machinery.

    In its machinery and equipment business, the division provides integrated support capabilities for production equipment, mainly for the wide-ranging automotive industry.

    In its non-automotive business, the division sells textile machinery, medical equipment, and other types of industrial equipment around the world.

    In its energy business, the division strives to ensure stable energy supplies over the long term. We procure crude oil from the Middle East and heavy oil from Southeast Asia, and operate natural gas production businesses in Australia and North America as well as coal production businesses in Australia. In the power generation business, we develop and operate renewable power generation businesses around the world, such as wind and solar power, as well as conventional thermal power generation businesses.

    In its plant and construction machinery business, the division makes business proposals and conducts fund-raising, engineering, procurement, and plant construction to contribute to the development of core infrastructure in emerging nations while promoting sales of construction machinery.

    Chemicals & Electronics

    The Chemicals & Electronics Division takes an integrated approach to its three main businesses: automotive materials, chemicals, and electronics. We generate synergies between them to expand business.

    In its automotive materials business, the division manufactures and sells automotive-use plastics and supplies materials and parts, while planning and proposing materials and parts for next-generation vehicles. We are able to address all our customers' needs through our global network.

    In its chemicals business, the division handles chemical products in a wide range of fields, including detergent raw materials, hygiene materials, and packaging materials. We maintain strong sales capabilities and networks across Asia through which we continue to expand business, including active development of the iodine business.

    In its electronics business, the division is Japan's largest trader of electronic components. We handle a wide range of electronic components and software incorporated into vehicles, consumer electronics, and industrial devices.

    The division promotes a network business that globally links people and things. We also develop technologies for environmentally friendly vehicles such as plug-in hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, along with devices and services for connected vehicles.

    For the next generation's autonomous driving society, we are developing infrastructure and technologies in tandem with efforts to develop, establish, and commercialize new services.

    Food & Consumer Services

    The Food & Consumer Services Division is contributing to healthier, more prosperous ways of life through initiatives in its four core businesses: grain, food, insurance, and lifestyle.

    In its grain business, the division's four grain silos in Japan serve as the foundation of feed processing complexes. In addition, the division's long history in the grain silo business, and the know-how gained through operations, represent its core strengths in the grain business.

    In the food business, the division owns processing centers in a wide range of fields in and outside Japan as well as food service companies. By conducting safety managment unique to Toyota Tsusho, the division is providing high-quality products to the market.

    In the insurance business, the division operates leading-class sales agencies in Japan as well as a broad range of insurance broker businesses overseas. At the same time, the division is expanding into new fields by providing new insurance services.

    In the lifestyle business, the apparel operations act as a comprehensive supplier through strengths such as functional materials and an extensive production network that manages materials development, sales, and delivery. Also, in the construction business, the division is focusing its efforts on hotel residences, which support companies in expanding their operations outside Japan.

    In the healthcare business, the division is also making efforts in nursing care, medical facility, and medical treatment-related services businesses.


    For more than 90 years, Toyota Tsusho has striven to develop markets in Africa from a long-term perspective by growing with communities and their people through trade and investments. In 2012, Toyota Tsusho acquired a capital stake in France's largest trading company, CFAO, to solidify its business foundation in Africa. Then, in December 2016 CFAO became a wholly owned subsidiary, paving the way toward a unified effort by all Toyota Tsusho Group affiliates to accelerate business initiatives in this strategically important region. The establishment of the Africa Division in April 2017—the company's first business division dedicated to a single region—furthered this strategy.

    The Africa Division is now tasked with promoting a diversified business in 53 of 54 African nations by maximizing the talents of a professional workforce of some 15,000 employees.

    The Automotive SBU* is expanding and strengthening the automotive value chain, which currently boasts a sales and after-sales service network in all Sub-Saharan countries, motorcycle production in Nigeria, and automotive production support in South Africa.

    In the healthcare and chemical business, we are developing the medical wholesale business in 24 countries throughout Africa, mainly in North and West Africa. Advanced medical diagnostic imaging centers have also been established in Nigeria and Ghana, with telemedicine services becoming available. Through these activities, we are promoting initiatives to promote to peoples' health.

    In the consumer goods & services business, we have opened two shopping centers in Côte d'Ivoire in collaboration with Carrefour and, in December 2017, a third store was opened in Cameroon. It is proactively engaging in business to respond to the needs of the middle-class, which is becoming more prominent in Africa, through various initiatives including expansion into the beer manufacturing business through a merger with HEINEKEN. It is also engaging in the agricultural business, starting to produce and sell domestic fertilizer, which is a first for Kenya.

    In the fields of technology & new business, we are contributing to Africa by improving the energy infrastructure required for economic development. For example, it completed Olkaria Geothermal Power Plant in Kenya and, in November 2017, it concluded a contract to provide a crane for the Port of Mombasa, Kenya. Furthermore, efforts are being made to push forward with energy infrastructure projects in collaboration with other business units to cultivate business in Western Africa in addition to Kenya, a key region for Toyota Tsusho, with a base newly opened in Côte d'Ivoire. In the new business field, investment in an African startup business has been decided on, and ICT projects are being proactively promoted.

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