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    Embla Medical hf

    Embla Medical hf
    Grjothals 5
    110 Reykjavik
    الهاتف: ‎+ 354 515 1300
    الفاكس: ‎+ 354 515 1366
    البريد الالكتروني: mail@ossur.com

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    هذه الصفحه متوفرة باللغات التالية :
    سنة 2015

    Mind-Controlled Innovation

    As a global leader in prosthetics and bracing and supports, we at Össur never stop innovating. We are resolute in our commitment to expand the boundaries of possibility, so that we may help even more people enjoy a life without limitations.

    Looking back at 2015 allows us to enjoy the successes we have accomplished and reach for the new goals ahead of us. On the prosthetic side of our business, we are proud to have accomplished the introduction of the first mind-controlled bionic prosthetic lower limbs for amputees. Mind-controlled bionic prosthetic legs are a remarkable clinical breakthrough in next-generation bionic technology. By adapting not only to the individual’s intentional movements but to intuitive actions, we are closer than ever to creating prosthetics that are truly integrated with their user. This venture will open many possibilities in the future and truly exemplifies our technical leadership in the market. We have also been focusing more on specific prosthetics for the less active user. Expanding our product line for this user group allows us to help a wider amputee population live a life without limitations. We continued to introduce innovative new products in the bracing and supports segment such as the Unloader FIT and Rebound PCL, the world’s first dynamic PCL brace.

    Our sales and profit continue to grow and we are increasing our market share. We grew 5% in sales organically and our profitability was good, despite adverse currency fluctuations.

    We are pleased with the result of the year and we have a strong foundation to build on for the coming years.

    Our athletic community had some wonderful accomplishments this year. Their success and determination encourages us all as they demonstrate true leadership for the amputee population. Team Össur members stood as champions all across the globe, celebrating mobility and embodying the spirit of our Company. Össur Ambassador Jami Marseilles became the first bilateral female amputee to complete a full marathon in October, the same month that Team Össur won 17 medals and 6 world records at the IPC Athletics World Championships. We couldn’t be more proud.

    Our projections for 2016 look promising for both our innovation and growth in the market. Utilizing our passion for our mission, to improve people’s mobility, we are united to continue creating better solutions for our customers. We use this same drive and energy to push the limits on our successes and further our vision to stand out as an industry leader.

    Jon Sigurdsson
    Össur President and CEO

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