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    Far East Horizon Ltd.

    Far East Horizon Ltd.
    Suite 6305, 63/F, Central Plaza
    18 Harbour Rd, Wanchai
    Hong Kong
    電話: ‎852-2588 8688
    ファクシミリ: ‎852-2511 8660
    電子メール: IR-Horizon@sinochem.com

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    汉语 | English

    Business Field

    FAR EASTHORIZON operations in a basic industry field of medical, packaging, transportation, construction, education, textile, industrial equipment, electronic information, public utilities, has established 1 industry group and 8 industrial division, formed by the division for the business management system based on system. Each division industries continue to deep in their respective belong to industry, according to the actual needs of customers, to create tailor-made products and services to customers, diversified business layout. These business layout covering the financial services, industrial investment, trade brokers, management consulting, business leasing, engineering services category. The formation of organic coordination among the various business, both to meet the diverse needs of customers, but also the formation of Far East horizon will explore the financial resources and industrial resources to cultivate the organization to use matching, financial and industrial cooperative development as the characteristics of the operational advantages.

    In the process of deep related industries, with the business development in depth, for the actual development needs, FAR EAST HORIZON is still at home and abroad to set up a number of professional business platform independent, specialized in related business operations. Including specialized financial services to the Far East Lease Corporation International, FAR EAST HORIZON (Tianjin) leasing company limited, specializes in operating lease Shanghai Hongxin equipment Engineering Co. Ltd, Shanghai Hongjin equipment Engineering Co Ltd, specializing in medical investment Shanghai Hongxin medical Klc Holdings Ltd, specializing in medical management consulting Shanghai Hongxin Hospital Management Co. Ltd. specialized in ship broker FAR EAST HORIZON shipping brokerage consulting Co. Ltd. 10 several Platform Co. The company and the parent company Far East Horizon together, initially formed a group of operation scale.

    In many FAR EAST HORIZON affiliate platform, have multiple platform to become industry leaders in their respective fields, or has cut a striking figure. Among them, the Far East Lease Corporation International is FAR EAST HORIZON the first members of the enterprise, specializing in financial leasing, factoring and other financial services, is in the leading position in the financial leasing industry, has extensive industry influence. Shanghai Hongxin equipment Engineering Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Hongjin equipment Engineering Co Ltd were engaged in the construction field operating lease, in the pavement equipment leasing, scaffolding leasing has become the industry leader. In addition, taking Shanghai Hongxin medical Holdings Ltd, Shanghai Hongxin Hospital Management Co., Ltd, Shanghai Deming medical equipment Engineering Co. Ltd. as the combination, also increasingly play industry influence in the medical investment, medical consultation, medical engineering services.

    Looking to the future, adhere to the organic combination of financial and industrial development idea and development model, FAR EAST HORIZON will always take the financial means of sustainable attached industry, relying on the industry to form an organic system, diversified service cooperative interaction, complementary, and strive to develop into an industry financial group.


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