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    BankNordik P/F

    BankNordik P/F
    Oknarvegur 5
    FO-110 Tórshavn
    電話: ‎+298 330 330
    ファクシミリ: ‎+298 330 001
    電子メール: info@banknordik.fo

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    Investor Relations Policy

    Strategic Objectives

    BankNordik’s Investor Relations department seeks to fulfil the highest standards of Investor Relations in order to maintain the BankNordik share’s position as a highly liquid share with fair pricing.
    With rigorous messaging, we want to support BankNordik’s strategic objectives and reputation by following best practice in all relevant areas, including providing strategic and proactive efforts aimed at the Group's investors and offer innovative digital solutions and consistent professional sparring with all stakeholders, where appropriate.

    It is the BankNordik Investor Relations department's overall purpose to inform and communicate openly, fully and in a timely manner with shareholders and creditors, analysts and others Investor Relations stakeholders about the Group. This is in accordance with legal requirements and based on standards and recommendations on corporate governance from relevant organizations.

    Responsibilities and Organization

    The Executive Board is responsible for ensuring that an Investor Relations department is established whose head is responsible for ensuring that the Group complies with the Investor Relations policy.
    The Investor Relations function is responsible for communicating information from and about the capital markets to BankNordik’s Executive Board, to assist the Executive Board in keeping the Board of Directors informed and generally to act as a partner for the entire organization. The investor relations department has access to and receives support from the Group's senior management in connection with these tasks.


    The Group's senior management and the Head of The Investor Relations department are authorized as spokespersons to communicate with the capital market participants.

    Publication of Financial Reports and Other Information

    As a listed company, BankNordik publishes its financial accounts and other company announcements in accordance with statutory requirements. Immediately after the publication of the financial statements and other major news and events that are likely to affect the share price significantly,
    • we publish financial reports and other company announcements together with additional relevant information on the Bank's website in Danish and English
    • we conduct telephone or video conferencing, which can be followed on the website where we provide presentations, announcements and other relevant information.

    Target Groups

    BankNordik proactively addresses certain institutional investors to ensure that the Group has a stable and diversified investor base and that the BankNordik share is a much traded share with fair pricing. We also strive to achieve satisfactory coverage by relevant analysts.

    Events and Meetings with Investors and Analysts

    The Investor Relations function handles BankNordik’s contact with investors and analysts, including organizing road shows, investor meetings, meetings with selected groups and individuals through telephone and email. We answer questions from stakeholders, provided that it is quite clear that the answer does not involve disclosure of inside information or otherwise be detrimental to the group. When we are asked to review drafts of analysts’ reports, we limit our comments to the following:
    • to correct historical fact information
    • to draw attention to publicly available information
    • to discuss general issues that may affect the underlying preconditions
    • to discuss topics that are clearly not material

    Silent Period

    For a period of three weeks prior to the planned publication of quarterly reports (the so-called "silent" period) we will not comment or discuss matters relating to our financial performance in general or our outlook.

    Annual General Meeting

    On BankNordik’s annual general meetings, shareholders can speak; put questions to the Board and through casting votes influence the items on the agenda.

    This policy was last updated in January 2017

      2017 » (ENGLISH)
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