

Corporate Information
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    Financial Information
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    Shareholder Information
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  • Annual General Meeting
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    New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

    New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
    NCI Tower, Jianguomenwai Avenue, A12
    Chaoyang District
    100022 Beijing
    Tel: ‎86-10-85213233
    Fax: ‎86-10-85213219
    E-mail: ir@newchinalife.com

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    Business Segments  

    year 2018

    The Group mainly has the following three segments:

    (i) Individual insurance business

    Individual insurance business relates primarily to the sale of insurance contracts and investment contracts to individuals.

    (ii) Group insurance business

    Group insurance business relates primarily to the sale of insurance contracts and investment contracts to group entities.

    (iii) Other business

    Other business relates primarily to the Group’s asset management and unallocated income and expenses.

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