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    Legend Holdings Corporation

    Legend Holdings Corporation
    Room 1701, 17/F, Block 1
    Court No. 2, Ke Xue Yuan Nanlu
    Haidian District, Beijing, PRC
    電話: ‎010 6250 9999
    ファクシミリ: ‎010 6256 1056

    汉语 | English

    Legend Holdings Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Legend Holdings”) was founded in 1984 by Liu Chuanzhi and 10 other researchers with funding from the Computing Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Starting from the IT industry, Legend Holdings has gone through the development of over three decades, and now it is a leading diversified investment holding company in China. It builds up a unique business model of “strategic investments + financial investments” with synergy between the two-wheel-drive businesses. Through value creation and value discovery, the Company cultivates and manages an outstanding investment portfolio with growth potential, driving sustainable value growth.
    Under the leadership of the Company’s Founder and Chairman, Mr. Liu Chuanzhi, and President, Mr. Zhu Linan, the Company has concluded its distinctive investment concepts and management system based on the deep understanding of economies and enterprises. Through forward-looking layout, flexible investment strategies and sustained value-added services, Legend Holdings has cultivated a number of influential outstanding enterprises in several sectors. At the same time, Legend Holdings pays high attention and gives full play to talents, discovers and trains leaders in various industries, and provides a career platform for its employees, all of which have greatly stimulated the corporate’s vitality for development.

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    株式データ グラフ 機能的原因分析
    Legend Holdings H‎  
    最新値 5,90      変更 % -1,99 

    最新の取引10件 HKD
    時間 最新値 出来高
    10:08:08 5,90 100
    10:08:08 5,90 100
    10:08:08 5,90 100
    10:08:08 5,90 3 200
    10:08:08 5,90 300
    10:08:08 5,90 2 000
    10:08:08 5,90 1 000
    10:08:08 5,90 700
    10:08:08 5,90 2 000
    10:08:08 5,90 200
    株価 HKD
    時間 10:08:08
    最新値 5,90
    変更 % -1,99 
    変更 -0,12 
    買い気配/売り気配 5,90 / 5,92
    始値 5,99
    高値/安値 6,00 / 5,87
    出来高 1 972 500
    前日終値 6,02
    52 週間高値 8,38
    52 週間安値 5,13
    52 週間前比%   -20,22 
    年初比 %   -19,57 
    Volatility (変動率) 44,19
    Beta 無し
    相関関係 無し
    銘柄コード 3396
    市場  Hong Kong
    市場  主板
    国内産業  Conglomerates
    ユーロランド-業種  資産管理
    株 (百万株)1 1 271,85
    時価総額 (百万) 7 656,56
    1 - 特定の株式種類の株式数。もしくは発行済み株式総数


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